Thursday 8 April 2010


To: (218267874)

Date: 08/04/2010 13:32:31

Subject: Genesis2012


genesis Pictures, Images and Photos

What is GENESIS2012?

Its an Awakening Call.

An Awakening to what? To reality. The Universal Truth. The beings on this planet have been blocked from receiving/........knowing the real truth.

What is the Reality or Universal Truth? Truth is provided to us at different levels. We typically only receive what we are able to process based on our ability to accept and comprehend. Its like peeling an onion. There are many layers.

The first layer is the belief system that is already on this planet (amongst all religions). This is the belief system you inherit from your family ancestry when you are born. Its time to question the truth of this belief system (if you have not already done so).

Spiritual Awakening Pictures, Images and Photos

Who are we? Where did we come from? What species are we? Why did we come to this planet in this time line? Have we been here before? What is our source? Who is the creator of this system? What is this system? How does it function?

These questions have been asked by many for thousands of years. Until now the answers were not available at the Universal level. Up to now the general belief is that GOD is the direct creator of all. This is true at the ultimate level as source is the creator of everything that exists.

What is the reality? Look at creation as we know it. The billions of universes, galaxies, planets and beings. How do all of these function? What is the intelligence factor that drives this whole system?

Below is a higher level of universal truth provided in simple form to those that are ready to accept and comprehend it.

Every planetary system has a governing body. Just like every country has a governing body. There is also a universal governing body and a cosmic governing body.

We are in a 15 dimension time matrix system. This time matrix is made up of our solar system and many other solar systems. Each system exists in a dimension zone. Our Earth has been in the dimension 1-3 zone. Our sun and other planets in our solar system are in dimension 4-6 zone. There are other higher systems in the 7-9 and 9-12 dimension zones.

Just like there are trillions of cells in a human body there are trillions of planets in this system created by the Supreme GOD Source. The macrocosm (planetary universal system) works the same as the microcosm (the body layers system in each person).

SOURCE has created a system within itself that allows everything within itself to flow the same way all the cells inside the human system flow. Source observes and monitors everything within itself and lets its creation manifest. Its divine intelligence has a system of seeding each cosmic and universal time matrix.

A governing body overlooks each 15 dimension time matrix. Through source energies the governing body manifests the planets and all the beings for the time matrix. These are the GODseed (Elohim beings). They reside in the higher dimension 13-15, and overlook the well being of the time matrix system.

Our individual creator GOD seed also resides in Dimension 13-15. It is known as our Godseed Monad. Our Godseed Monad is huge. From its source energies it creates 12 oversouls (also known as oversoul monads). The oversouls reside in dimension 7-9. Each oversoul creates 12 souls. These souls reside in dimension 4-6. The souls create 12 incarnates. The incarnates reside in dimensions 1-3.

There are 1728 beings (12oversouls x 12souls x 12incarnates) energized and created from each Godseed Monad. The energies of each Oversoul is its group of 144 beings and the energies each soul is its group of 12.

Where do we fit in all this? We are the incarnate. There are usually 2 incarnates sent to each time cycle one male and one female. These are our soul mates. The other 10 soul mates are in different time cycles.

We are not all human. Our monads belong to different species. For all incarnates to experience life on dimension 1-3 (Earth) the human body uniform has to be worn, so all beings have a similar body structure. One of the conditions in this dimension is free will and choice.

Before we entered this dimension we had full knowledge of our soul, oversoul and Godseed Monad layers. And knew why we chose to experience this dimension. Upon entering this dimension field (the matrix of this system) our memories are blanked out. We come into this matrix with no idea of who we are or the existence of our soul. The free will system does not allow outside assistance without our permission. We are not able to connect to our soul layer for assistance as we are not made aware of its existence.

MerKaBa Pictures, Images and Photos

The ancestral belief systems created on this planet worship an outside God Source when we are actually residing inside the God Source. Just like our cells inside us, we are like a cell inside God's body. The part of our cell that is at its divine level and purest with the highest connection to the GOD Source energy is our Godseed Monad. The only way for us to directly connect to the GOD source is through our Godseed Monad. The God Souce does not want to be worshipped. We are its children. Source wants us to connect and be ONE with it. The ONENESS connection is only possible by going within our heart and through all our higher layers. Outside worship through the planetary/..........universal Gods and masters cannot establish this ONENESS connection for us.

Love Oneness Pictures, Images and Photos

The journey starts by expanding our beliefs and developing our Self by practicing the following:


Know that this life is temporary and has a purpose. Discover the true purpose. What is it that we came here to accomplish.

Learn about karmic imprints, negative energy blockages, the real cause of dis-ease and the destructive power of negative feelings and thoughts towards our self and others (especially during anger).

Know that when we ACCEPT WHAT IS in every moment WE REMAIN WITH PEACE OF MIND as everything that happens to make us upset or angry is already in the past and cannot be changed.

Daily, Love our Whole Self and Source

Daily, Show gratitude for everything we have

Express love to all under all conditions

Know our Whole Self with all our layers

Recognize our ONENESS with Source

Discover the Real Truth by being open minded with discernment from the heart about what is real and what is not. There is a lot going on this planet that is not for our highest good. Most of what is being taught and practiced is not from the Godseed levels. Be most careful about receiving energies from others (healers) especially if they are not opened to the higher dimensions. The safest energy zone is from the 12th dimension and above. Most energy healers on the planet transmit Dimension 1 -4 energies. Be cautious with these energies as they can alter the progress to the higher layers. Psychic energy is mostly 4th dimensional (astral). Many entities reside in the astral realm. It is best to stay away from the astral realm. Shifting your frequencies to 5th dimension and higher (through intention and practice of Soul Awakening techniques) will shield you from the lower entities and keep you away from the astral debris.

Prior to now this information was not available in the 1-3 dimension zone. There are billions of incarnates trapped in this zone. They all came into this zone over thousands of years and have been trapped in this system. The knowledge of our soul, monad and God seed layers is the key to discovering our journey back home.

What is home?

There are many levels of home.

Level 1 - Soul layer merge (Dimensions 4-6)

Level 2 - Oversoul layer merge (Dimensions 7-9)

Level 3 - Avatar layer merge (Dimensions 10-12)

Level 4 - God seed Monad (Rishi) layer merge [I AM]

(Dimensions 13-15)

All dimensions are at at different density frequencies.

We are currently at dimension 1-3 (density) frequencies. Our physical, emotional and mental layers make up the the 3 dimensional layers. The more the beings on this system become contaminated and corrupt their energetics, the more dense the individual and planetary system becomes. Over time Earth became extremely dense and dropped to 3rd dimension density. There was a time when Earth was at 5th Dimension density. At that time the incarnate beings were at the soul layer with full knowledge of their memories and were able to co-create their desires instantly through thought concentration using the universal laws of attraction, gratitude, joy and love.


Every 26,556 year cycle the planetary systems get adjusted. December 21, 2012 is the end of the current cycle. Earth's frequencies started shifting 25 years ago and is expected to be fully in 5th dimension density by 2012.

This may be a good explanation why there are currently so many people (6.5 billion) on the planet. A hundred years ago earth's population was around 1.5 billion. Two thousand years ago it was around 500 million. It took 2000 years to go from 500million to 1.5billion. And 100 years to go from 1.5bilion to 6.5billion. Technology in only 100 years has gone from horseback transportation to spaceships, satellite communication and home computers with internet.

awakening Pictures, Images and Photos

Where are these beings coming from? Why are they coming to Earth in this time frame? What is bringing on this information age and higher human intelligence? Is there a connection between Earth and other planetary systems in our 15 Dimension time matrix system? Our oversoul monad has access to all systems in this time matrix. Does that mean we can connect with our Soul groups in other planetary systems?

Maybe 2012 and Earth shifting to 5th dimension density has something to do with this vast increase in population. With Earth shifting, all beings (now for the first time in 26,556 years) have access to processes that can help shift their frequencies by clearing their contaminated energetics and blocked channels. Discovering the higher truth about this matrix shows how peoples body-............................mind-emotion system has been blocked to keep the them in density.

The beings on this planet are now able raise their frequencies and connect to the 5th dimension soul and higher oversoul layers. This is the true journey of SELF EVOLUTION.

Clearing the contaminated energetics and shifting to the 5th dimension and higher layers is a process similar to our education system. Just like it takes 16 years with a lot of educational training to go from grade 1 to graduating with a college degree, the cleansing process can take many years. Many of us have been stuck in this dimension 1-3 system for thousands of years (in spirit and physical form). We have accumulated a lot of negative blockages and dropped in density.

Earth shifting to 5th dimension density makes our cleansing a lot easier and faster. The higher planetary frequencies allow us to tap into its system and clear our channels.

This is the REAL (PERMANENT) HEALING everyone on this planet needs.

What is considered real healing? What are we healing from?

The energetics in density 1-4 are contaminated. By living in this system our energetics are no longer at the level of its original blueprint level of purity. The fear based foundation of density 1-4 has also made our physical, emotional and mental body systems accumulate immense amount of negativity through our selfish and harmful thoughts, words and actions that have been created from life experiences throughout all timelines. These create energetic blockages in all our subtle layers and manifest karmic imprints. The heavier these blockages and karmic imprints are the more dense our system becomes.

Heart of Oneness Pictures, Images and Photos

The healing process requires cleansing these energy blockages and karmic imprints from all the lower density 1-3 layers (physical, emotional and mental). We are not able to shift to the higher dimension frequencies until these blockages and karmic imprints are cleared from our system.

There are many healing processes on this planet. Its good be fully aware of where the energetics of the healing processes originate. REI, KI, CHI and PRANA are 1-4 Dimension energies (see diagram below). Be cautious of the lower dimension energies. Healing the physical layer with lower dimension energies can contaminate/........block your higher layers. View REIKI

We are now able to open up to and receive 12 Dimension frequency energies through the High Frequency Techniques and fully heal all layers of our system. The Top-Down healing approach from D12 and higher is safe, and now possible with the planet raising its frequencies.

What is the best method for us to cleanse our negative energetics and open ourselves up to merge with our soul and higher oversoul layers?

The best known processes that work do take time, and require consistent practice. There is no quick fix from attending healing or meditation workshops. We have immense amounts of blockages and karmic imprints from many timelines. It starts with our behavior attitudes and responsibilitie........s towards ourselves and all beings. Knowledge of our whole being with all its layers, the universal system, the energetics of both our individual system and the universal system and the importance of increasing our DNA strands helps us understand why we have to heal ourselves. The journey to the higher layers also requires building of the Kundalini and the "Silver Cord" bridges of inter-....................dimensional frequency that connects to the Soul Matrix. Further Kundalini development opens up the Antahkarana to the Oversoul. Development of the Antahkarana opens up the Rainbow bridge to the Avatar and Rishi (I AM) layers . The powerful healing transmutation violet rays originate from this layer.

These High Frequency Teachings originate from Ancient processes (long before Atlantis, and Egyptian times) that could not be brought on Earth until its Frequency was high enough. The new higher Earth frequencies now allow for these processes to open our channels to the Higher Soul and Oversoul layers. The processes are from Advance Universal Physics and not based on any religious belief systems.

The Higher Aspects of the Human System

tree of life Pictures, Images and Photos


We are at Dimension 1-3 layer. Our goal is to shift our frequencies to 7-9 layer within the next 10 years (2008 to 2018). The rising frequencies of Planet Earth now make it easier (through the high frequency processes) for us to clear the pathways (1-5 that have been blocked in our grids) and open us up to the higher layers. An opportunity we have waited for a long, long time

This is the opportunity many of us came to take advantage of on Earth during this lifetime. We need to open our heart to feel and know this, and allow our SELF to follow our heart's feelings. Once we raise our frequencies, the higher frequencies stay with us (even after letting go of our body). Our consciousness level is raised.


For more technical information on the high frequency awakening processes view Ascension Teachings

As Earth Frequencies get raised the veils get thinner.

Since there are many species of beings on this planet in the human uniform, we may soon be able to identify ourselves as to who we are (angelic human or a species from another planetary system). The lifting of the veils after 2012 will also expose higher realities of what is truly going on this planet to more people.

Created with unconditional love by


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reposted with Love & thanks


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Friday 2 April 2010

The Awakening of the City of Light

From: blue lotus nυμφαία (115013010)

To: (218267874)

Date: 02/04/2010 01:13:30

Subject: The Awakening of the City of Light

Center of the Sun Newsletter ~ April 2010

The Awakening

of the City of Light

Palenque - March 2010

Palenque is my favorite sacred site of the Mayan world. I have been exploring its mysteries and watching its energy subtly evolve for one complete Katun cycle (a 20 year cycle). My passion for Palenque began in 1990, in my more radical, younger years, when I snuck into the site after hours and spent the night (A long story). It was during this overnight stay, while sitting in the Temple of the Sun, that I was a witness to something that changed my life forever. I heard the music of the spheres, learned about the creative force of the universe, and saw a glimpse of the future regarding when this energy would return to Earth. I was aware of an ethereal city that floated high above Palenque. I knew that this city of light would return one day along with the ancestors and the starry ones who had lived here a long time ago. Palenque has been my most reliable barometer for the evolution of Earth. This year, my long wait for what I saw in 1990 was completed.

I know that by watching the energy shifts in sacred sites, we can see a progression of events and the evolution of the Earth and humanity. In our Maya pilgrimage in 2008, it was clear that something was dramatically shifting in Palenque. The heart of the site was reactivated, and the energy of this reactivation was obvious to anyone who had experienced the site before. It was clear that the creative force of the universe, and the light that was once in Palenque before, was beginning to return. During our following Peru trip, we saw similar energy shifts in Machu Picchu and other surrounding sites. Then we walked between the worlds in our 2009 trip to Tikal and Copan.

As of Equinox on March 20, 2010, the ethereal city floating above Palenque is now beginning to descend upon the ruins. This energy is now merging with the temples. The temples are beginning to radiate this pure creative light/energy out into the world. The temples are literally sparkling. It is bringing a depth and a sense of calm that is indescribable. It is now a part of the emerging new world.

I know that if Palenque is radiating this new energy out into the world, very soon the entire planet will feel its uplifting energy. It is apparent that the temples of Palenque and the surrounding area are a heartbeat away from being fully re-awakened. Most sacred sites are placed on alarm clocks to re-activate at specific times in the future. It is obvious that the future of the new world is approaching very quickly according to what we see in Palenque.

On March 20th (Equinox), we experienced two earthquakes . . . one of which we felt. One was to the north of us (Offshore Jalisco, Mexico 03/20/2010 at 21:33:04 - 4.7 magnitude), and the other was immediately south of us (Chiapas, Mexico 03/20/2010 at 21:55:50 - 5.3 magnitude). These earthquakes released a huge amount of negative energy from the earth. This is what earthquakes do. When the negative energy is released, it allows space for new light to fill this void.

On Pakal Votan's birthday, March 23rd, it was apparent that the influx of light was flooding Palenque profusely. It was the most powerful energy rush that I had ever felt in Palenque during the last twenty years. In the past, the way I connected with Lord Pakal was to see him deep inside the Temple of Inscriptions in his famous resting place. But now, he is at the top of the temple steps looking down over the city. He is returning.

By simply watching, we can see how changes in the sacred sites affect human beings. Our group this year was definitely working from the heart. They did not have much need for questions and answers. They stayed present in the moment, and many lost track of time. They wandered the site and felt with their hearts. You could easily see the effect the energy of the site had on them. We felt really blessed to be witness to this incredible new pulse of energy that was making a powerful connection between our head and our hearts. I also noticed that many in our group had little coughs. Even the staff at the hotel seemed to be clearing their throats. I think this was to open the passage between the mind and the heart so the wisdom being imparted could be integrated.

By March 24th, the energy pouring in was almost too much to bear. The energy was so full of new light and energy that it felt heavy to our 3D bodies. Many in the group found themselves taking naps under trees and on temple steps. The hoards of tourists did not arrive this day, and I think for good reason. We nearly had the entire site to ourselves. Even the local sellers began to leave early.

Angels Above - Artist Bruce Harman

I had a great need to lie down on the ground and have my spine touch the ground. I could literally feel the undulating, kundalini energy rising up from the earth and connecting with my body. When I opened my eyes, I could see little micro spheres of light. They were dancing in the air in an organized, yet chaotic way. I kept blinking thinking that I was seeing things. These little spheres of light felt like they were whole universes unto themselves. I also felt like they were the ancestors returning. The temples were vibrating so strongly that the doorways were blurred. You could see the vibration distort visual reality. It was like we could see two or three dimensions at once. It was transforming before our eyes. During these two days of intense energy, time seamed to stop . . . or race ahead. Time wobbles were very apparent to everyone. So much has changed, yet we do not understand what has changed. The coming weeks and months will reveal what began here over Equinox.

Awakening is not something we can plan or predict . . . its gift comes to us, unaware, when we are not looking for it. ~ Aluna Joy

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is an internationally.. known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic who inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988, Sedona AZ 86339 Ph:..928-282-6292 Webpage: E-mail:

Copyright © 2010 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:..928-282-6292 Email:

blue lotus nυμφαία
..911 Truth on ABC News Nightline

Sunday 28 March 2010

A Shift In Consciousness: A New Earth

From: SaturnsLady (282827837)

To: (218267874)

Date: 28/03/2010 17:24:04

Subject: A Shift In Consciousness: A New Earth


A Shift In Consciousness: A New Earth

by Marie C. Barrett

Can humanity actually drop the shackles of our past limitations and separateness to step into a new reality of unity and peace? This would require a universal shift in consciousness such as has never been attained before. And this era is precisely what we are moving into right now.

We are in the process of co-creating a new earth, an earth that vibrates in a higher dimension of consciousness. You will have noticed already a shift in energy surrounding you as you go about your daily life. Start taking notice of how you feel and consciously listen to your intuition and inner guidance. Observe life from the perspective of one step back. You can free your spirit to remember who you are and to allow the flow of abundance and joy into your life. Expansion of consciousness has started and an influx of high vibratory light is underway on earth.

The distractions of daily life, the pressures of making a living, providing for your family, developing relationships, guiding your children into responsible, loving adults – all these processes of life are not intrinsic to who you are. They are the tools life offers you to help you awaken to who you are. When you make a decision, think carefully about what you want to achieve through the effects of your decision, but above all, consider who you want to BE as a result of your thoughts and actions.

The energies flooding our planet and human consciousness at present are such that they give us the inner impulse to release our past patterns of behaviour and beliefs. We are being called to create a new world of caring and love. In the past we competed with each other for what we perceived to be limited time, limited amounts of love, money, resources and services. But the ways of exclusion and competition are over. Now humanity is being urged to unite, to work together, to help each other, teach and provide for each other.

At a high level of awareness all of humanity is one entity: many yet one. Uniting from all the lands on earth, coming together and embracing our diversity and complementarity.., we sing with one voice and feel with one heart. This unity point of our meeting is the Source, the One.

With the advent of computers, internet and rapid planetary communications,.. our world has shrunk in size. We can whisper into a microphone or telephone and be heard by a dear one thousands of kilometres away. We can stream video so that our parents in another country can watch their two year old grandson blow out the candles on his birthday cake.

Unity, togetherness, mutual acceptance, delight in difference and true brotherhood are the hallmark of this new millennium. Having reached the extreme of divergence and difference, of separation from Source and from each other, we are now turning back toward our unity point of origin.

We are one because we are parts of the Creator, the One, who experiences diversity of life on earth through our consciousness. We are one in our growing awareness of our origin and destiny; way beyond the limiting beliefs and divisionary practises of times so recently past.

We are co-creating our collective future even as you read these words. Prosperity, love, joy and happiness are all ours for the asking. The more we share, encourage, accept and contribute to the collective good, the faster we will magnetize into our experience, an amazing and expansive future of heaven on earth: a new earth and a new experience of heaven. Begin within your own heart, to listen, to love and to grow. Make every thought count powerfully, for with every thought we create our future.


Wednesday 24 March 2010

The Divine Name: Sound that Can Change the World

From: Jon (243484504)

To: (218267874)

Date: 24/03/2010 18:16:14

Subject: The Divine Name: Sound that Can Change the World

blue lotus nυμφαία (115013010)


The Divine Name: Sound that Can Change the World

This post is just sharing the info about the sound and its effects, not promoting the book, necessarily.

The Divine Name:

The Sound that Can

Change the World



In his groundbreaking new book, The Divine Name
, sound healing pioneer Jonathan Goldman shares his incredible discovery of the Divine Name, a universal sound that, when intoned, can bring harmony and healing to ourselves and the planet.

This name, encoded within our DNA, is the personal name of God, once found in the religious texts that link over half the world's population. Prohibited and then lost for nearly 2,500 years, the Divine Name is available once again. It is a sound that when vocalized has the ability to resonate both the physical body and subtle energy fields of anyone who intones it—irrespective.. of religion, tradition, or belief. It has the power to usher in a new era of human consciousness, uniting us in healing, peace, and oneness.

The Divine Name reveals a UNIVERSAL HEALING SOUND that has been lost for more than 2,500 years. According to author Jonathan Goldman, an international authority and pioneer in sound healing for over 30 years, "I made an astounding discovery—that the intonation of a particular sequence of vowels created the Divine Name. This was not a spoken word, but a vocalization that sounds extraordinarily.. like the name of the creator God in the Old Testament—the foundational book of the Abrahamic traditions, that is responsible for over half the planet's religions."

Benefits of Sounding the Divine Name include:

* Releases healing and therapeutic bio-chemicals including endorphins, oxytocin, and melatonin.
* Resonates, balances and aligns the chakras of the subtle body for health and harmony.
* Produces powerful meditation experiences that allows access to deep levels of our psyche.
* Amplifies the power of our personal prayers and spiritual communion.
* Allows us to interact with the planetary consciousness for the quantum evolution of humanity.

The Divine Name Aura Imaging Phenomenon

1. Sitting quietly before sounding:
attempting to get centered.

2. I begin to vocalize the Divine Name and
white light begins to appear.

3. I continue to intone the Divine
Name as the white light grows.

4. The more I sound, the more the
white light continues to envelop me

Excerpt from the book, 'The Divine Name':

I had just sent out the completed manuscript of The Divine Name to my editor. I was done with the book. It was the best I could do. I was content.

The next day, I attended INATS, the International New Age Trade show-a yearly event in Denver where authors, musicians, artisans and many others speak, perform or had booths displaying their works or others such as myself, who did signings for those in attendance. The first day had been extremely busy for me, ending that night with my receiving two Visionary Awards, one for "Best Healing/....Meditation Album" which my CD "2012: Ascension Harmonics" won and another for "Best Web Site" which the Temple of Sacred Sound won. This was a great surprise to me as well as quite an honor.

The following day my wife Andi & I arrived quite late at the show in order to spend a couple of hours looking around at what we had missed previously due to our busy schedule of activities the day before. As the show was just about to close down, I passed by a booth that had "Aura Imaging" photography.

The study of photographing the aura has been around since the 1930's, when two Russian scientists, Valerie and Semyon Kirlian accidentally discovered that by passing a slight electric current through a plate that contained living matter, they were able to observe some sort of color "discharge" that extended beyond the physical material-what has become known as the aura or the electro-..magnetic field. This work has progressed over many years until there are now sophisticated cameras available that seem to be able to record different colors of the aura relating to moods and other factors of people who are being photographed. There's much skepticism about the validity of these cameras, though the photographs can be fascinating to observe.

At this booth, there was a monitor that displayed the "real time" effects of people using the equipment. I was asked to sit down and try it. However, I was tired and ready to leave the show-not particularly interested in having my aura photographed. But for some reason, however, I was guided to sit down and as an experiment, see if any changes would occur in my aura while intoning the Divine Name. Apparently, when I did this, the results were quite startling to everyone around the booth including the aura camera operator. I had missed whatever had occurred since my eyes were closed. I was asked to do sound the Divine Name again. This time, the results were recorded.

What I present now are photographs taken from a brief 20-second video made while I intoned the Divine Name. It is not my purpose to validate aura photography or equate any particular meaning to what you'll see. I simply make these photos available for your perusal. Most aura photography shows one or two predominant colors that are seen swirling around a person. With these photos below, there was an initial slight bluish purple that was visible before I began to vocalize the Divine Name. This bluish purple hue is not visible in the first of these black and white photos. However, as you'll see, in the next pictures that follow the first, a pure white light almost immediately begins to emerge and then envelope me as I vocalized the Divine Name.

No claims are made about what these pictures represent. I do find it most interesting that rather than the traditional change in the color of the photograph which is usual when people try to affect their aura, these pictures demonstrate something quite different. As I started to sound the Divine Name, white light immediately began to manifest. I'd never seen that before. I don't believe anyone else had either. I present these photos to you now with no agenda. They may well show one aspect of the power of the Divine Name to initiate Light & Love through Sound. Or they may indicate something else. I trust you'll find them of interest.

From THE DIVINE NAME ©2010 by Jonathan Goldman, Published by HayHouse

blue lotus nυμφαία

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Divine Mother; Knowing Your Higher Self

From: Slavic Mermaid *Surrendering to Spirit ॐ (6194051)

To: (218267874)

Date: 17/03/2010 16:12:45

Subject: Divine Mother; Knowing Your Higher Self

1] Divine Mother;

2] Knowing Your Higher Self

"Whatever it is you choose,

the idea is that each time you think of this thing you are doing,

you offer up that thought and say a prayer to Divine Mother

to increase your devotion to Her.

If you can continue your "Sadhna" for the full 9 days,

there is a special reward from Divine Mother

that happens on either the 9th or 10th day.

thank you: blue lotus nυμφαία (115013010)

To: (6194051)

Date: 3/17/2010 1:52:55 PM

Subject: Navaratri: Nine Days of the Divine Mother

Navaratri: Nine Days of the

Divine Mother

SPRING NAVARATRI 2010: March 16-24

by Marge DeVivo

Navaratri is a very special time of honoring the Divine Mother. Exact translation of the word "Navaratri" is "9 nights". Navaratri happens in Spring and in Fall of every year. It begins on a New Moon. Each of the days honors a certain aspect of Divine Mother and gives a focus to the energy of that day. These are known as the Nava Durga (9 Names of Durga).

(Night One is sunset on March 15-........-........Monday--coming soon!)

Day One:
Sailaputra - Daughter of the Himalayas
Day Two:
Brahmacharini - She Who remains celibate
Day Three:
Chandraghanta - She Who is Beautiful as the Moon
Day Four:
Kusmanda - She Who brings happiness
Day Five:
Skandamata - Mother of Skanda, the leader of armies against evil
Day Six:
Katyayani - Aspect of Mother Kali
Day Seven:
Kalaratri - Kali Night of no Moon
Day Eight:
Mahagauri - The Great White Goddess
Day Nine:
Siddhidatri - She Who is of great spiritual Powers and knowledge
The days are also subdivided into 3 sets of three days:

KALI: The first three days are devoted to Kali, the Goddess of Destruction and Restoration, wife of Shiva; it is a time of purification, a time to let go of all that is not "on purpose" for your life. This is like "cleaning out your closets" to make way for new things.

LAKSHMI: The second three days are devoted to Lakshmi, the Goddess of Prosperity, wife of Vishnu; it is a time of preservation and taking care of things or acquiring what is necessary to make your life full of prosperity and fulfillment. This is like receiving the proper things you need to make your life happy.

SARASWATI: The last three days are devoted to Saraswati, the Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge and the Arts, wife of Brahma; it is a time of receiving Divine Guidance on how to properly use all resources sent your way. This is like making most efficient and purposeful use of everything you are given.
All three aspects, in balance, are important for a fulfilling and happy life.

Traditional Ways to Honor Divine Mother during Navaratri:
Usually, certain "sacrifices" or personal offerings are made during the nine days, such as giving up some certain food or drink or something you are accustomed to having or doing each day. Some people restrict themselves to only one meal per day throughout the nine days. Some give up their favorite beverage, like coffee or tea; in the West, some give up watching TV or some other daily ritual they usually engage in. (All of you Catholics can relate to "giving up things" for Lent.) You could also add something you don't usually do, such as reading the "Sapta Sati" or parts of the "Ramayana" or "Mahabharata" or other sacred scripture for 20 to 30 minutes each of the nine days.

Whatever it is you choose, the idea is that each time you think of this thing you are doing, you offer up that thought and say a prayer to Divine Mother to increase your devotion to Her. If you can continue your "Sadhna" for the full 9 days, there is a special reward from Divine Mother that happens on either the 9th or 10th day. She promises "a personal physical experience" of Her. This is individualized and only you will know what it is and when it has happened. It is up to you if you want to share it with anyone else after it happens. For some people it makes it more "real" to share, for some it is more powerful to keep silent about it.

The fifth day is considered to be the "turning point" day, when the cleansing/....purification aspects are complete. The rest of the 9 days get a little easier to handle on the day when the Celebration is more than half completed. The energy of each day is building so that by the end of the Navaratri there is much energy generated, each Fire Ceremony becoming more filled with Shakti (Divine Energy).

For the highest benefits and greatest results of Navaratri, it is best to begin with the first day of Navaratri and go all the way to the end without missing any of the ceremonies. This requires some personal commitment and is definitely worth whatever it takes for you to be able to do it. Think of the great personal commitment and sacrifice performed by Divine Mother in Her care of each of us each day! It is unfathomable.

You are free to follow as many of these practices at home as possible to observe the 9 Days of Divine Mother. Of course, you will receive the greatest benefit by joining together with others at a Haidakhandi Temple where the official ceremonies and observances are going on with those knowledgeable in performing them (trained Pujaris with Haidkhan experience).

Love and light,
Marge DeVivo

OM Namah Shivaya!
Jai Maha Maya ki Jai!

source: TSLnotes

blue lotus nυμφαία (previously: rävensärä)



-..-..-..-------------- Bulletin Message -..-..---------------

From: blue lotus nυμφαία (115013010)

To: (6194051)

Date: 3/17/2010 1:49:49 PM

Subject: RE: Knowing Your Higher Self

sΣbለsէርiለሀռ է. ርΣռsէርሀշiለሀs ~Σծf~ (263805224)
SaturnsLady (282827837)
To: (263805224)
Date: 3/17/2010 10:21:30 AM
Subject: Knowing Your Higher Self

The 7 Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self

Asoka Selvarajah

Each of us is connected with the Divine. The Higher Self within us far transcends the understanding of our conscious minds. This is the power that all the great geniuses and teachers of history have accessed. It is also the place of magic and miracle in our lives. Here are the seven key steps to contact it:

1. Belief & Expectation: Transform Your World View!

The first step is to BELIEVE that you have a Higher Self to establish communication with! Then EXPECT every day that this communication will improve as you focus diligently on inner growth. Without these two essential pre-....................requisites, it is hard to achieve anything at all in life, even on the physical level. For inner growth, these two qualities are essential. So set a GOAL to achieve contact with the Higher Self, review that goal daily, and maintain your purpose with determination until success is yours.

We are brought up with a primarily materialistic world view that neglects the role of Spirit. To establish close contact with spiritual realms, we need to have our entire being - conscious and subconscious - congruent with our goal. In any major activity/goal, you have to establish the rules of the game and the way it is played. Contacting your Higher Self is the same. Therefore, seek out writings and teachers that expand your understanding of the universe as fundamentally being a realm of Consciousness and Mind.

2. Solitude & Meditation

Make regular time for yourself where you can be totally alone. A quiet place is preferable. Just sit quietly with no expectations. Do NOTHING. This may feel very uncomfortable and strange in the beginning. Persist. You give time and space for the inner voice to make itself heard. It will do so either during that quiet time, or else during the events of the day. A synchronistic event will occur; someone will tell you exactly what you need to hear; you will get a sudden flash of insight. All the great geniuses of history have found times of regular solitude and silence for themselves. You should too.

In meditation, you work to discipline your mind and silence the internal chatter that constantly fill it. You create a pure vessel for the Higher Self to fill. Following your breath is an excellent meditation discipline, as is concentrating upon a candle flame. Or visualize a golden ball of light in your Solar Plexus that fills your whole body with energy and healing. There are many practices that you can study and use.

3. Journal

Record your feelings, emotions, dreams and insights every day in a journal. This will help you to come into closer contact with your inner intuitive depths. You can ask the Higher Self questions here, and then later on record whatever insights/........answers you receive. If you do this regularly with belief and expectation, you WILL receive the answers you need.

4. Inner Dialogue

Conduct a regular inner dialogue with your Higher Self. For the next 40 days, decide to keep in contact throughout the day. Say to your Higher Self, "I know you are there and I want to get to know you and pay attention to you. Please begin to speak to me and guide my life." Don't worry if this dialogue is entirely one-way to begin with. Remember that you have been out of touch for decades. It takes a while to clear the cobwebs! Persist with this inner dialogue as if talking to a friend - chatting, asking questions, sharing your hopes - and begin to listen for answers. They will come.

5. Life Lessons

Look upon life as a Mystery School. Believe that the whole of your life - events, situations and people - has been structured PRECISELY in order to teach you exactly what you need to know right now. Approach life as if the whole of creation is conspiring to do you good! Whenever something happens in your life, for good or ill, ask yourself what the lesson is for you. Even unpleasant people/............situations have been deliberately placed there as a challenge to help you grow. As you begin to view life as a drama in which you are play the starring role, the role of the Higher Self will become increasingly evident in your life. Record your findings in your journal.

6. Dreams

Expect your Higher Self to speak to you in dreams. Before going to sleep, do some stretching and bending to relax your body completely. Ask your Higher Self a question and expect an answer. When you wake up, recall whatever you can of your dream and write it down in your journal. If you are not used to remembering dreams, this will take time and persistence. However, with patience, you will begin to recall your dreams AND receive answers from your Higher Self.

7. Mindfulness

Focus upon living more and more in the present, on the NOW. When you are eating, be aware that you are eating. When you walk, know that you are walking. The only real moment is now - the past is gone forever and the future has yet to be. Therefore, work to clear your mind of concerns, illusions and extrapolations......... Clear the mental clutter from the mind and create space for the Higher Self to fill.

Patience Is The Catalyst To Progress!

Remember, you may have spent your entire life out of touch with Source. Therefore, it takes time to learn how to re-establish contact. Anything worth doing takes time and practice. Be vigilant and practice these seven steps every day, and you will receive the answers you need. Remember: The Higher Self WANTS to be in contact. In fact, to even speak of it as someone apart from you is contradictory.

The Higher Self IS you! The real you.

So get in touch with YOU!


Monday 15 March 2010

The People of the Mounds: The Sidhe

From: blue lotus nυμφαία (115013010)

To: (218267874)

Date: 15/03/2010 16:10:00

Subject: The People of the Mounds: The Sidhe

'Court of the Faeries'; Artist: James C. Christensen

The People of the Mounds:

The Sidhe

(Sidhe - "shee")

Belief in the Sidhe, or the Good People was once common throughout all the Celtic countries, in localised forms. The Sidhe are considered to be a distinct race, quite separate from human beings yet who have had much contact with mortals over the centuries, and there are many documented testimonies to this.

Belief in this race of beings who have powers beyond those of men to move quickly through the air and change their shape at will once played a huge part in the lives of people living in rural Ireland and Scotland. It is difficult to pin-point an exact historical era as the time when fairy lore began. Many writers maintain that the people of Ireland and their Gods before the coming of the Gaels are the ‘ancestors’ of the sidhe. Clearly the belief in the sidhe is part of the pre-Christian religion which survived for thousands of years and which has never been completely wiped out from the minds of the people. When the first Gaels, the sons of Mil, arrived in Ireland, they found that the Tuatha De Danaan, the people of the goddess Dana, already had control of the land. The sons of Mil fought them in battle and defeated them, driving them ‘underground’ where it is said they remain to this day in the hollow hills or sidhe mounds.

In the early Irish manuscripts (which were recorded from an earlier oral tradition) we find references to the Tuatha De Danaan. In ‘The Book of the Dun Cow’ and the ‘Book of Leinster’ this race of beings is described as “gods and not gods”, pointing to the fact that they are ’something in between’. Also in the Book of the Dun Cow it says of wise men that: “it seems likely to them that they [the Tuatha De Danaan] came from heaven, on account of their intelligence and excellence of their knowledge”.

The hold that the Tuatha De Danaan had on the Irish mind was so strong that the new religion of Christianity could not shake it. In ‘The Colloquy of the Ancients’ a dialogue which supposedly took place between St. Patrick and the ghost of Caeilte of the Fianna,

Patrick is amazed to see a fairy woman coming out of the cave of Cruachan, wearing a green mantle with a crown of gold on her head. Whereas the fairy woman is young and beautiful, Caeilte himself is old and withered. When Patrick enquires of this, Caeilte tells him that:

“She is of the Tuatha De Danaans who are unfading…and I am of the sons of Mil, who are perishable and fade away”.

The sidhe of the subterranean mounds are also seen by the Irish as the descendants of the old agricultural gods of the Earth, (one of the most important being Crom Cruaich, the Crooked One of the Hill). These gods controlled the ripening of the crops and the milk yields of the cattle, therefore offerings had to be given to them regularly. In the Book of Leinster we discover that after their conquest the Tuatha De Danaan took revenge on the sons of Mil by destroying their wheat and the goodness of the milk (the sidhe are notorious for this even today). The sons of Mil were thus forced to make a treaty with them, and ever since that time the people of Ireland have honoured this treaty by leaving offerings of milk and butter to the Good People.

A notable feature of the sidhe is that they have distinct tribes, ruled over by fairy kings and queens in each territory. It would seem that the social order of the sidhe corresponds to the old aristocracy of ancient Irish families, which is in itself a reflection of the ancient Celtic caste system. It is interesting to note that many of the Irish refer to the sidhe as simply “the gentry”, on account of their tall, noble appearance and silvery sweet speech. They have their own palaces where they feast and play music, but also have regular battles with neighbouring tribes. The great fairy hosts seem to be distinctly Milesian, but there are still folk memories of perhaps older pre-Gaelic races and their gods, in the form of the ‘geancanach’, a spirit of Ulster, or the ‘cluricaun’, of Munster. We must not forget also the ‘leprechaun’, a diminutive creature who is said to know the whereabouts of a pot of gold hidden in local fairy raths. The leprechaun could possibly be a folk memory of a dwarfish race of Fir Bolg people who lived in these raths before the coming of the Gaels.

In the testimonies of many rural folk a distinction is often made between the sidhe who are seen walking on the ground after sunset, and the ‘Sluagh Sidhe’, the fairy host who travel through the air at night, and are known to ‘take’ mortals with them on their journeys. There are also guardian sidhe of most of the lakes of Ireland and Scotland. These distinct categories of sidhe beings ties in with the testimonies of seers who divide the sidhe into wood spirits, water spirits, air spirits and so on, the elemental spirits of each place.

Lough Gur in County Limerick is a very magical place where we meet many of the sidhe kings and queens of Ireland. The lake lies within a circle of low lying hills, but once every seven years it appears as dry land, where an entrance to the Land of Youth may be found. The lake’s guardian is known as Toice Bhrean (the lazy one) because she neglected to watch over the well, from which the lake sprang forth. It is believed that once every seven years a mortal meets their death by drowning in the lake, ‘taken’ by the Beann Fhionn, the White Lady.


Many are still said to be the guardians of certain Irish clans.Three miles south west of Lough Gur is Cnoc Aine, or Knockainy, the hill of Aine, one of the most important fairy queens of Munster. Also on the shores of the lake is Cnoc Finnine, of the goddess Fennel, the sister of Aine. There are many great fairy queens that are remembered in Irish folk tales. They are known as ‘bean righean na brugh’, the fairy queen of the palace, and are quite clearly the tutelary goddesses of local tribes. Many are still said to be the guardians of certain Irish clans.

Three miles south west of Lough Gur is Cnoc Aine, or Knockainy, the hill of Aine, one of the most important fairy queens of Munster. Also on the shores of the lake is Cnoc Finnine, of the goddess Fennel, the sister of Aine.

Many of the sidhe folk have encounters or relationships with mortals. The Earl of Desmond once saw Aine combing her hair on the bank of a river. He fell in love with her and seizing her cloak made her his wife. The offspring of this union was Aine’s enchanted son Geroid Iarla, who lives under the lake awaiting his return to the world of men. Once every seven years he emerges from the water as a phantom riding on a white horse.

Aine is revered throughout Ireland. In Co. Derry locals say she was a mortal woman who was ‘taken’ by the fairies; the local family O’Corra are said to be descended from Aine. In Co. Louth Aine’s stronghold is at Dunany point (Dun Aine). Every year three days are dedicated to her, the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday after Lammas; it was said that she would claim a life on those days.

It is at Cnoc Aine in Co. Limerick where Aine is most well remembered as a great queen. Every year on St. John’s Eve (24 June) local people would form a procession around the hill, then carry flaming torches through the fields of ripening crops. Aine herself was seen on many occasions leading the procession.

The fairy queen of the north of Munster is Aoibheal; she is the ancestral deity of the O’Briens, (the descendants of Brian Boru) who rules from Craig Liath (grey rock) in Co. Clare. At the great battle of Clontarf, Aoibheal had fore-knowledge of the outcome and tried to warn her people. Aoibheal is revered in many of the ‘Aislings’, the vision poems of the eighteenth century concerning the future freedom of Ireland.

Cliodna is loved and cherished by the people of Co. Cork, where a number of place names are associated with her. She is the guardian goddess of the O’Keefes, and said to be the eldest daughter of the last Druid of Ireland. One of the three great waves mentioned in Irish mythology is Tonn Cliodna, the wave of Cliodna, off the coast at Glandore, Co. Cork. A legend tells of Ciabhan of the Curling Locks who took Cliodna out of the lands of Manannan and brought her to the shores of Ireland in his curragh. He left Cliodna alone on the shore while he went off to hunt deer; while he was gone Manannan sent a huge wave over the strand and Cliodna was drowned.

In the north east of Leinster the fairy queen Grian of the Bright Cheeks has her abode on Cnoc Greine. The sidhe mound of her father was attacked once by the five sons of Conall. Grian pursued them and in revenge she transformed them into badgers. In the Irish sagas Grania eloped with Diarmaid, and all over Ireland there are cairns and cromlechs known locally as ‘the bed of Diarmaid and Grania’. In Co. Tipperary, east of loch Derg, lies Knockshegouna, the fairy hill of Una. Una is the wife of the fairy king Finnbheara of Cnoc Meadha; she is a somewhat elusive figure, but nevertheless her sidhe dwelling was a very important place in former times, and she is still remembered by local people.


The great fairy king of Co. Galway in the west of Ireland is Finnbheara (Finnvarr). Cnoc Meadha is his abode, a prominent hill west of Tuam, on top of which is a burial mound. To the north west is Magh Tuireadh, where the legendary battle between the Fir Bolgs and the Tuatha De Danaans took place. There are many stories which illustrate Finnbheara’s liking for earthly women. He would often draw young girls away to dance all night with him in his palace, but the next morning they were always found safely asleep in bed. One particular nobleman was not so fortunate, however. His bride was taken one time by the fairy king. The bride’s old nurse told the noble that he must dig down into the sidhe mound, starting at the top. But during the night the fairies of the mound filled the tunnel back in with earth. This happened again on the second night. In despair the nobleman turned to the old nurse again, who told him to sprinkle the earth with salt and place a line of burning turf around the trench, as the sidhe could not resist that. The following morning the bride was found safe in her bed.

Finnbheara is also known to love horses, and he is usually seen riding a black horse with flaring red nostrils. Some-times he would invite young men to ride with his fairy host.

In Co. Limerick the fairy king Donn of Knockfierna is well remembered. There is a large earthern fort on his hill and a number of dolmens known as the ‘Giants Graves’. You can see the entrance to his fairy palace. Donn is the ancient Celtic god of the Dead who rules the rocky islands to the south west on the Atlantic coast. Donn is also known in Co. Fermanagh as the ancestor of the Maguires, whom he helped in their battles. Sometimes he is seen riding on a white horse on stormy nights, when people would excl.. “Donn is galloping in the clouds tonight”. Donn now more closely resembles a medieval Irish landlord than a god. He rules quite strictly but will aid his people when needed. He is also believed to fight against rival hosts in other counties, the winner carrying off the best potato crop for that year.

It will be noted that the fairy queens and kings are in fact the old pagan gods and goddesses ‘in disguise’ who have long been revered by the Irish. I once heard someone state that the Celtic gods of Ireland had long been wiped out, buried under the sway of Catholicism. Yet anyone who has been to the Emerald Isle, or listened to her many folk tales can see for themselves that this is very far from the reality. The old gods live on in folk tales as the giants of the hill; the Gobhan Saor who built all the bridges of Ireland; the Gille Decair, a clown and trickster; the carl (serf) of the drab coat and many others. The old deities were once worshipped throughout Ireland, however it is in the west that they are best remembered now, the east having been more Christianized and anglicised, and subject to more invasions. By contrast, the west of Ireland, to which the native Irish were driven (“to hell or Connaught”) has held on longer to her ancient heritage.


There are many similarities to be found in the fairy lore of Scotland, no doubt due to the migration of peoples back and forth between Scotland and Ireland. Most people know about the last wave of Gaelic incomers into Scotland from Ireland in the fifth century,

but for many centuries before this the Irish were intermarrying with the Cruithne (Picts) of Scotland and this is mentioned in some early texts. Thus there has been a long interchange between the two lands which has led to a mingling of folklore and belief. The most well known of the fairy women both in Ireland and Scotland has to be the Bean Sidhe, the Banshee. In Ireland she is the ancestress of the old aristocratic families, the Irish clans. When any death or misfortune is about to occur in the family, she will be heard wailing her unearthly lament. It was considered something of a status symbol to have a banshee attached to your family! She is more often heard than seen, though if you do catch sight of her she may be combing her long hair with a silver comb. She is also known as the bean chaointe, the wailing woman, and also as badhbh chaointe. Badhbh is the Irish for a scald crow, but more interestingly it is the name of one of the Celtic war goddesses who would shriek over the battlefields in the form of a crow.

In the Highlands of Scotland this type of banshee is known as the bean tighe, the fairy housekeeper, or in some places as the Glaistig Uaine, the Green Lady, who is often sighted in the rooms and the grounds of the old castles of the Scottish clans, keeping watch over everything. There is also the wilder type of banshee found in the remoter places. This type of banshee wanders through the woods and over the moors at dusk, luring travellers to their doom.

The gruagach is the fairy woman who watches over the cattle fold at night and protects the goodness of the milk. On Skye, Tiree and other islands are to be found ‘gruagach stones’, stones with hollows in where libations of milk were poured as an offering to her. If this daily offering was neglected, the best cow of the fold would be found dead in the morning. The Book of Arran mentions such a gruagach who minded the cattle in the district of Kilmory.

There are many stories of sidhe women who help households with spinning, housework, threshing corn and so on. However, if they are interfered with in any way, even by the offering of a present, they will never return again. Alexander Carmichael mentions the ‘bean chaol a chot uaine ’s na gruaige buidhe’, the slender woman of the green kirtle and yellow hair, who can turn water into wine and weave spider’s webs into plaide, and play sweet music on the fairy reed.

We also find in Scotland the dreaded bean nighe, otherwise known as the Washer at the Ford. She may be seen at midnight washing the death shirt of someone about to die. Usually the person who meets her knows that it is his own fate that she foretells. As she washes she sings a dirge: “Se do leine, se do leine ga mi nigheadh” (It is your shirt, your shirt that I am washing).

Many spirits of rivers and mountains in Scotland appear in the shape of an old hag, the Cailleach. The most famous is the Cailleach bheara who washes her clothes in the whirlpool of the Corryvreckan off Jura, and rides across the land in the form of the ‘night mare’.

There is another sidhe being that is mentioned in the writings of Fiona MacLeod and is greatly feared among the Gaels. He is the Amadan Dubh, the Fairy Fool, bringer of madness and oblivion. Sometimes he appears as a darkly clad figure on the slope of a hill after sunset, playing on his reed pipes a fairy enchantment.

We may conclude, then, that within the fairy lore of Scotland and Ireland are to be found the remnants of the old pagan religion, with gods and goddesses being remembered as the guardian ancestors of the clans. In fact, all the clans once claimed descent from a particular deity, so this is nothing new. The old gods still appear in local tales, as kings and queens of fairy palaces, or as guardians of lakes. In other words, they are still very much part of the land and the folk memory of the people. Belief in the sidhe has been steadily diminishing, however, not least through the decline in the Gaelic language, and with it so many of the folk tales that were only ever told in the Gaelic. It is sad that the attitude of so many people of today is that these tales are merely children’s stories, to be put aside when we grow older and wiser in years. How far from the truth this is, if only they could see it. The fairies are the elemental powers of the land, the ancient Earth Shapers who live in the hollow hills, to whom the world of Mankind is but a dream…


"We are the tree people. You sometimes call us elves. We protect the woods and forests of Earth. There are now many humans that we call "nature workers" who are quietly infiltrating your world in order to shift the balance toward the manifestation of Paradise on Earth.

"There is quite a clamor to get into this theater [Earth], as there are also forces who are working toward apocalypse, and others who seek world domination. Out of all these, we [the light workers, nature workers, and nature spirits] are the force working in the name of love.

"There are angels, masters, elementals, and what you call ETs all incarnating as human light workers to hold the energy for transformation... And yes, even nature spirits. These are the ones we call nature workers."


blue lotus nυμφαία

Thursday 11 March 2010

People who don't get It

From: ∞←☮ήε★Ļ☮vε→∞ (18280728)

To: (218267874)

Date: 11/03/2010 17:49:49

Subject: People who don't get It

People Who Don't Get It

by Madisyn Taylor

.. You may be someone who understands the true nature of reality, perceiving deeply that we all emanate from the same source, that we are all essentially one, and that we are here on Earth to love one another. To understand this is to be awakened to the true nature of the self, and this understanding is a blessing.

Nevertheless, people who just do not get it are seemingly everywhere and, often, occupy positions of power. It can be frustrating and painful to watch them behave unconsciously.

We all encounter individuals such as this in our families, at work, and in all areas of public life. It is easy to find ourselves feeling intolerant of these people, wishing we could be free of them even though we know that separation from them is an illusion. It helps sometimes to think of us all as different parts of one psyche.

Within our own hearts and minds we have dark places that need healing, just as the heart and mind of the world have their dark places. The health of the whole organism depends upon the relative health of the individuals within it. We increase harmony when we hold on to the light, not allowing it to be clouded by judgment, anger, and fear about those who behave unconsciously. It is easier to accomplish this if we don't focus on the negative qualities of individuals and instead on how increasing our own light will increase that of the overall picture.

When dealing with people who seem very unconscious, it helps to remember that everyone must find their own way to awakening, and that the experiences they are having are an essential part of their process. Holding them in the glow of our energy may be the best way to awaken theirs. At the same time, we are inspired by their example to look within and shed light on our own unconscious places, sacrificing the urge to judge and surrendering instead to humble self-inquiry.

