Wednesday 17 March 2010

Divine Mother; Knowing Your Higher Self

From: Slavic Mermaid *Surrendering to Spirit ॐ (6194051)

To: (218267874)

Date: 17/03/2010 16:12:45

Subject: Divine Mother; Knowing Your Higher Self

1] Divine Mother;

2] Knowing Your Higher Self

"Whatever it is you choose,

the idea is that each time you think of this thing you are doing,

you offer up that thought and say a prayer to Divine Mother

to increase your devotion to Her.

If you can continue your "Sadhna" for the full 9 days,

there is a special reward from Divine Mother

that happens on either the 9th or 10th day.

thank you: blue lotus nυμφαία (115013010)

To: (6194051)

Date: 3/17/2010 1:52:55 PM

Subject: Navaratri: Nine Days of the Divine Mother

Navaratri: Nine Days of the

Divine Mother

SPRING NAVARATRI 2010: March 16-24

by Marge DeVivo

Navaratri is a very special time of honoring the Divine Mother. Exact translation of the word "Navaratri" is "9 nights". Navaratri happens in Spring and in Fall of every year. It begins on a New Moon. Each of the days honors a certain aspect of Divine Mother and gives a focus to the energy of that day. These are known as the Nava Durga (9 Names of Durga).

(Night One is sunset on March 15-........-........Monday--coming soon!)

Day One:
Sailaputra - Daughter of the Himalayas
Day Two:
Brahmacharini - She Who remains celibate
Day Three:
Chandraghanta - She Who is Beautiful as the Moon
Day Four:
Kusmanda - She Who brings happiness
Day Five:
Skandamata - Mother of Skanda, the leader of armies against evil
Day Six:
Katyayani - Aspect of Mother Kali
Day Seven:
Kalaratri - Kali Night of no Moon
Day Eight:
Mahagauri - The Great White Goddess
Day Nine:
Siddhidatri - She Who is of great spiritual Powers and knowledge
The days are also subdivided into 3 sets of three days:

KALI: The first three days are devoted to Kali, the Goddess of Destruction and Restoration, wife of Shiva; it is a time of purification, a time to let go of all that is not "on purpose" for your life. This is like "cleaning out your closets" to make way for new things.

LAKSHMI: The second three days are devoted to Lakshmi, the Goddess of Prosperity, wife of Vishnu; it is a time of preservation and taking care of things or acquiring what is necessary to make your life full of prosperity and fulfillment. This is like receiving the proper things you need to make your life happy.

SARASWATI: The last three days are devoted to Saraswati, the Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge and the Arts, wife of Brahma; it is a time of receiving Divine Guidance on how to properly use all resources sent your way. This is like making most efficient and purposeful use of everything you are given.
All three aspects, in balance, are important for a fulfilling and happy life.

Traditional Ways to Honor Divine Mother during Navaratri:
Usually, certain "sacrifices" or personal offerings are made during the nine days, such as giving up some certain food or drink or something you are accustomed to having or doing each day. Some people restrict themselves to only one meal per day throughout the nine days. Some give up their favorite beverage, like coffee or tea; in the West, some give up watching TV or some other daily ritual they usually engage in. (All of you Catholics can relate to "giving up things" for Lent.) You could also add something you don't usually do, such as reading the "Sapta Sati" or parts of the "Ramayana" or "Mahabharata" or other sacred scripture for 20 to 30 minutes each of the nine days.

Whatever it is you choose, the idea is that each time you think of this thing you are doing, you offer up that thought and say a prayer to Divine Mother to increase your devotion to Her. If you can continue your "Sadhna" for the full 9 days, there is a special reward from Divine Mother that happens on either the 9th or 10th day. She promises "a personal physical experience" of Her. This is individualized and only you will know what it is and when it has happened. It is up to you if you want to share it with anyone else after it happens. For some people it makes it more "real" to share, for some it is more powerful to keep silent about it.

The fifth day is considered to be the "turning point" day, when the cleansing/....purification aspects are complete. The rest of the 9 days get a little easier to handle on the day when the Celebration is more than half completed. The energy of each day is building so that by the end of the Navaratri there is much energy generated, each Fire Ceremony becoming more filled with Shakti (Divine Energy).

For the highest benefits and greatest results of Navaratri, it is best to begin with the first day of Navaratri and go all the way to the end without missing any of the ceremonies. This requires some personal commitment and is definitely worth whatever it takes for you to be able to do it. Think of the great personal commitment and sacrifice performed by Divine Mother in Her care of each of us each day! It is unfathomable.

You are free to follow as many of these practices at home as possible to observe the 9 Days of Divine Mother. Of course, you will receive the greatest benefit by joining together with others at a Haidakhandi Temple where the official ceremonies and observances are going on with those knowledgeable in performing them (trained Pujaris with Haidkhan experience).

Love and light,
Marge DeVivo

OM Namah Shivaya!
Jai Maha Maya ki Jai!

source: TSLnotes

blue lotus nυμφαία (previously: rävensärä)



-..-..-..-------------- Bulletin Message -..-..---------------

From: blue lotus nυμφαία (115013010)

To: (6194051)

Date: 3/17/2010 1:49:49 PM

Subject: RE: Knowing Your Higher Self

sΣbለsէርiለሀռ է. ርΣռsէርሀշiለሀs ~Σծf~ (263805224)
SaturnsLady (282827837)
To: (263805224)
Date: 3/17/2010 10:21:30 AM
Subject: Knowing Your Higher Self

The 7 Secrets To Knowing Your Higher Self

Asoka Selvarajah

Each of us is connected with the Divine. The Higher Self within us far transcends the understanding of our conscious minds. This is the power that all the great geniuses and teachers of history have accessed. It is also the place of magic and miracle in our lives. Here are the seven key steps to contact it:

1. Belief & Expectation: Transform Your World View!

The first step is to BELIEVE that you have a Higher Self to establish communication with! Then EXPECT every day that this communication will improve as you focus diligently on inner growth. Without these two essential pre-....................requisites, it is hard to achieve anything at all in life, even on the physical level. For inner growth, these two qualities are essential. So set a GOAL to achieve contact with the Higher Self, review that goal daily, and maintain your purpose with determination until success is yours.

We are brought up with a primarily materialistic world view that neglects the role of Spirit. To establish close contact with spiritual realms, we need to have our entire being - conscious and subconscious - congruent with our goal. In any major activity/goal, you have to establish the rules of the game and the way it is played. Contacting your Higher Self is the same. Therefore, seek out writings and teachers that expand your understanding of the universe as fundamentally being a realm of Consciousness and Mind.

2. Solitude & Meditation

Make regular time for yourself where you can be totally alone. A quiet place is preferable. Just sit quietly with no expectations. Do NOTHING. This may feel very uncomfortable and strange in the beginning. Persist. You give time and space for the inner voice to make itself heard. It will do so either during that quiet time, or else during the events of the day. A synchronistic event will occur; someone will tell you exactly what you need to hear; you will get a sudden flash of insight. All the great geniuses of history have found times of regular solitude and silence for themselves. You should too.

In meditation, you work to discipline your mind and silence the internal chatter that constantly fill it. You create a pure vessel for the Higher Self to fill. Following your breath is an excellent meditation discipline, as is concentrating upon a candle flame. Or visualize a golden ball of light in your Solar Plexus that fills your whole body with energy and healing. There are many practices that you can study and use.

3. Journal

Record your feelings, emotions, dreams and insights every day in a journal. This will help you to come into closer contact with your inner intuitive depths. You can ask the Higher Self questions here, and then later on record whatever insights/........answers you receive. If you do this regularly with belief and expectation, you WILL receive the answers you need.

4. Inner Dialogue

Conduct a regular inner dialogue with your Higher Self. For the next 40 days, decide to keep in contact throughout the day. Say to your Higher Self, "I know you are there and I want to get to know you and pay attention to you. Please begin to speak to me and guide my life." Don't worry if this dialogue is entirely one-way to begin with. Remember that you have been out of touch for decades. It takes a while to clear the cobwebs! Persist with this inner dialogue as if talking to a friend - chatting, asking questions, sharing your hopes - and begin to listen for answers. They will come.

5. Life Lessons

Look upon life as a Mystery School. Believe that the whole of your life - events, situations and people - has been structured PRECISELY in order to teach you exactly what you need to know right now. Approach life as if the whole of creation is conspiring to do you good! Whenever something happens in your life, for good or ill, ask yourself what the lesson is for you. Even unpleasant people/............situations have been deliberately placed there as a challenge to help you grow. As you begin to view life as a drama in which you are play the starring role, the role of the Higher Self will become increasingly evident in your life. Record your findings in your journal.

6. Dreams

Expect your Higher Self to speak to you in dreams. Before going to sleep, do some stretching and bending to relax your body completely. Ask your Higher Self a question and expect an answer. When you wake up, recall whatever you can of your dream and write it down in your journal. If you are not used to remembering dreams, this will take time and persistence. However, with patience, you will begin to recall your dreams AND receive answers from your Higher Self.

7. Mindfulness

Focus upon living more and more in the present, on the NOW. When you are eating, be aware that you are eating. When you walk, know that you are walking. The only real moment is now - the past is gone forever and the future has yet to be. Therefore, work to clear your mind of concerns, illusions and extrapolations......... Clear the mental clutter from the mind and create space for the Higher Self to fill.

Patience Is The Catalyst To Progress!

Remember, you may have spent your entire life out of touch with Source. Therefore, it takes time to learn how to re-establish contact. Anything worth doing takes time and practice. Be vigilant and practice these seven steps every day, and you will receive the answers you need. Remember: The Higher Self WANTS to be in contact. In fact, to even speak of it as someone apart from you is contradictory.

The Higher Self IS you! The real you.

So get in touch with YOU!


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